Boy, I am buried in prizes to give away! I’ve opened to help me select them all, so let’s get started…

Winner of an original sketch by IF MY LOVE WERE A FIRE TRUCK’s Jeff Mack:
Katie Giorgio

Winner of BONAPARTE FALLS APART by Margery Cuyler:
Tracy Abell

Winner of FORT BUILDING TIME by Megan Wagner Lloyd:
Tiffany Dickinson

Winner of Lori Alexander’s FAMOUSLY PHOEBE Prize Pack:
Ashley Bankhead

Winner of A COOKED UP FAIRYTALE by Penny Parker Klostermann:
Sandi Lawson

Winner of TRUCK, TRUCK, GOOSE by Tammi Sauer:
Sharon Coffey

Winner of MASTERPIECE MIX by Roxie Munro:
Julie Lacombe

Winner of HELLO GOODBYE DOG by Maria Gianferrari:
Sheri Dillard

Winner of SHARK LADY by Jess Keating:
Lauren Kerstein

Winner of RACE! by Sue Fliess:
Alicia Minor

Congratulations to all the winners…and be on the lookout for an email from me.

Next up, I’m busy planning the STORYSTORM idea challenge for January.

Registration will go live the last week in December right here on this blog…and remain open through the first week in January.

I’ve already confirmed the following guest bloggers for January:

  • Doreen Cronin
  • Heidi Stemple
  • Alicia Padron
  • Jarrett Lerner
  • Annie Silvestro
  • Robin Newman
  • Corey Rosen Schwartz
  • Kate Dopirak & Mary Peterson
  • Miranda & Baptiste Paul

Many more to come. I’m putting on my big girl pants and getting organized…which is not easy for me…I think messes are bestest for my creativity. (Didn’t mean to rhyme, but hey, let’s go with it.)