by Julian Hector

Creatively, I’m very slow.

I like to be delicate with my ideas and usually spend three years developing a picture book.

Because of this, I have to look for ideas that hit my proverbial sweet spot and keep me enthused for the long haul.

For the picture book that I’m working on now, titled THE TRICYCLE MOUSE, my initial idea was to combine two of my favorite things: vehicles and animals.

Thus the characters in the book are hybridized animal-vehicles.

I started working on this over a year and a half ago, it still has a long way to go, but my excitement for the project has only grown.

Julian Hector is generously giving away an original signed painting he made exlcusively for PiBoIdMo, with characters from his picture book THE GENTLEMAN BUG! It’s unbelievably adorable! Lucky you!

Leave a comment to enter and a winner will be randomly chosen one week from today.

Julian Hector is one of the youngest author/illustrators working in children’s publishing today. Five years ago, he was plucked out of college by an editor at Disney-Hyperion, and he’s been writing and illustrating children’s book ever since. His most recent book is MONDAY IS ONE DAY, written by Arthur A. Levine, and you can visit his website here: