by Jannie Ho

I saw this quote the other day and it had a powerful effect on me. Whether you are a writer, illustrator, or both—in order to create something, you must follow through. It is almost towards the end of the challenge and most of you already have plenty of ideas on your list. Sometimes ideas are a dime a dozen. The hard part is spending the time to sit with it and flesh it out, finish it, and get it out there into the world.

I participated in the PiBoIdMo last year and came out a with a few ideas. I even started a picture book dummy with one, but it is half way completed. My goal is to get that finished up, no matter what happens to it. Perhaps giving the time and attention to one idea will lead to many others.

Good luck to all!

Jannie Ho, also known as chicken girl, is an illustrator/designer specializing in the children’s market, with her work appearing in books, magazines, toys, crafts, and digital media. Her books include The Haunted Ghoul Bus (2008), and The Great Reindeer Rebellion (2009), both written by Lisa Trumbauer, published by Sterling. She is currently working on a picture book with Viking entitled Road Work Ahead, written by Anastasia Suen (2011), and a sequel to The Great Reindeer Rebellion (2012).

Jannie is generously giving away her signed illustration above. Leave a comment to enter. A winner will be randomly selected one week from today. A signed copy of The Great Reindeer Rebellion will be given away at the conclusion of PiBoIdMo 2010.