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Hi! I’m Sam. I’m an author and illustrator and the author part is super new for me. My first book, CHICKEN LITTLE: THE REAL AND TOTALLY TRUE TALE, comes out May 5, 2020 with Scholastic Press. Wheeeee!

I’m a mom of 2 young kids and before I can even think about making ANYTHING, I have to get to where I can be alone. This means being disciplined and organized with our family routines, so I can really disconnect and focus when everyone is out the door.

Showing up to the page is key. Even if I’m feeling fuzzy or confused or exhausted, showing up to work and write or draw is the first step. Having a regular time at a regular rhythm (whatever you can make work!) is what’s helped me. That way, if I get the itch and I can’t stop to work then, I just take notes for myself and know that I’ll have that time soon to dive in. I guess it’s a bit like having creative boundaries. Seems like a paradox, but it makes the flow-state easier.

Mind the fuel gauge! When making a lot of work (and living your regular life in general), it’s easy to get to running on fumes without noticing.Your inner-artist does not work well on fumes, trust me. Make sure you listen to your mind/body/heart and feed yourself. Give yourself permission for taking a walk, doing a quick dance break (highly effective IMO!), visiting a museum, listening to a good podcast, etc. These things are the input that might just appear in your work later down the line! Fill that tank!

Turn off your inner critic. As a relative newbie in this field, it’s super easy for me (like anyone!) to look at my heroes and get instantly deflated by the gap between what I *want* to make and what I *can* make with my current skill set.  The good news is that closing the gap is just more showing up and working, so go ahead and turn off that inner nagging critic voice. Oh, and the comparison one and perfectionism one too.  Turn ON the affirmations and self-compassion. You’re almost ready!

PLAY!  Our minds are the most fluid in states of play. Find your play space. Follow your curiosity. This involves listening and WASTING TIME. It involves 90% of what you make NEVER seeing the light of day, so that you can unearth the 10% that is pure GOLD. Make, make, make, play, play, play.

This is how I approach my process of finding and courting inspiration and making work. I hope it’s somehow helpful and inspiring to you in your journey of making! There’s room for all of us in this creative constellation. Sending all my love and good maker-energy your way. You got this!

Sam Wedelich is a native Texan living in the Bronx. She’s painting, drawing, reading, knitting, baking, and seeking beauty while raising 2 kids with her husband and far too many houseplants.

She loves to work on all sorts of illustration and lettering projects, from custom wedding invites, to on-site calligraphy for events and gifting, to editorial illustration and book art.

Follow Sam on Instagram @samwedelich or visit her at

Sam is giving away a copy of her debut book CHICKEN LITTLE when it’s released in May.

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