by Ana Siqueira

IF YOUR BABYSITTER IS A BRUJA…you must learn some new tricks to escape from her spells.

¡Cuidado! You might regret it.

This book is based on my experience being a Mom witch for some long minutes. Yes, for the longest three-block walk ever, my three-year-old daughter decided to shout: “You’re not my real mom. You’re a witch!” Imagine my situation. And all because I told her, “No, you can’t dive for the last 100th time.”

This story that marinated in my head for over 20 years, is finally a book. But I changed Mom to a babysitter.

And here is the premise:

On the night before Halloween, a new babysitter might be more than she appears. If she wears a black sombrero and cackles like a crow, she might just be a bruja! One little girl is determined not to fall victim to this witch or her cats. Is bath time a bruja’s way of putting her in a boiling cauldron? Can she keep la bruja at bay with a magic potion? Can she get the bruja trapped in the enchanted tower or maybe make her disappear forever?

With boundless imagination and plenty of tricks up her sleeve, the young protagonist may just have the best night ever!

To celebrate the creation of this book illustrated by the fabulosa Irena Freitas, I’m promoting a pre-order giveaway.

If you pre-order this book and send the receipt through my website contact form, I will either:

  • critique your first page or a query letter
  • send a signed bookplate
  • visit your classroom (virtually-15 minutes)

These offers are valid from February 15th to March 15th.

Also, leave a comment below with any question about writing picture books and I’ll reply!

IF YOUR BABYSITTER IS A BRUJA also comes in Spanish—CUANDO TU NIÑERA ES UNA BRUJA—Illustrated by Irena Freitas, edited by Alyza Liu (Simon and Schuster, August 23rd, 2022).

Check out some spreads below and even a book trailer with an original song. (Be careful. Cuidado! It’s too catchy. Hahaha) by my seven-year-old grandson, Luka.)


Irena Freitas is an author & illustrator currently based in Manaus, Brazil, working for clients internationally. She has an MFA in Illustration from Savannah College of Arts and Design and loves illustrating people, funny situations that happen in our daily life, and whimsical stories. When she is not reading and illustrating books she likes to travel and visit new places.

Visit her at

Ana Siqueira is an award-winning author from Brazil who cackles but doesn’t wear hats. When not flying with brujas, she teaches Spanish to adorable little ones, where she casts a learning spell that nobody can resist. Ana has published IF YOUR BABYSITTER IS A BRUJA, BELLA’S RECIPE FOR SUCCESS (Beaming Books), and EL PATO QUIERE UVAS (Educational Market- Teacher’s Discovery). More books coming in 2023 and 2024. She loves being an abuela and a vovó to her Cuban-Brazilian-American grandkids. She lives in Florida with her husband, who just might be a wizard. Visit her at and you can get signed copies of her book at Tombolo Books.