We who work in children’s literature speak a language all our own. No, I’m not talking about “simultaneous submissions” or “stet”. You’ll see what I mean when you read the Kidlitionary!

When you cannot believe someone has never read a Judy Blume book.

Barnett Storming
Publishing a dozen best-selling, critically-acclaimed books within a ridiculously short time frame.

Caldecutt (or Caldenott)
Being snubbed for a Caldecott honor.

Carpe Read’em
Seize the books.

Fans of Roald Dahl, particularly those of the female persuasion.

When good things come to you after reading a Karma Wilson book.

Kate Plus Eight
When Kate DiCamillo appears on Betsy Bird’s blog.

The hug a child gives to a picture book they love. Most commonly witnessed with books by Tom Lichtenheld.

Meter Maids
Rhyming geniuses who fix meter problems, most notably Corey Rosen Schwartz and Tiffany Strelitz Haber.

Northampton, Massachusetts, home to Mo Willems.

Raiders of the Last ARC
Book bloggers and eBay sellers who grab the last BEA or ALA ARCs before librarians can.

Revisionist History 
The multiple Word docs that exist for one picture book manuscript.

When you have all the ingredients to create a stellar picture book. “Way to be like Adam! You’ve got the Rexipe.”

1. Jocularity and mayhem caused by reading a Dan Santat book.
2. Fans of Dan Santat.
3. Jocularity and mayhem perpetrated by Dan Santat.

When someone is not acknowledged for his or her contribution. “They didn’t thank you. Man, you were Selznicked!” (Origin: 2012 Oscars.)

Shel Shocked
The despair and horror you feel after taking a terrible author head shot.

The feeling of superiority while scoring awesome SWAG from your favorite author.

The wisdom that accompanies creating a wordless picture book spread. “You’d be Wiesner to leave the text out.”

Zka Syndrome
Confusing Jon Scieszka with Jarrett J. Krosoczka. Relax; this is a curable condition. Related affliction: confusing Peter Brown with Peter Reynolds (but it doesn’t have as cool a name).


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